The mission of the ICOGM is to engage the cytogenomic community on the development of applications, methodologies, and analysis techniques for Optical Genome Mapping.



The International Consortium leadership includes a Chair supported by two Vice Chairs. The Vice Chairs represent one individual from the Americas and one from Europe. At this time, the Chairs serve a term of two years. Terms can be renewed for an additional term and a Vice Chair can move up to Chair for up to two terms.

All founding members of the consortium will be part of the advisory committee and may meet once per year or an ad hoc basis.

Volunteer Support

We look to members of the International Consortium to provide support for the continued operations of the group. Currently, there is no cost to membership.

Working Groups

The International Consortium will support several working groups to address specific concerns and challenges with the use of OGM. The point of specific working groups is to select individuals from various laboratories with specific expertise and interest in the focus areas of the working groups. Groups will meet periodically (minimum 2x per year) and report back their progress to the general membership. Each working group will appoint a lead member that will help organize and direct the efforts of the group.

Current Working Groups:

Complex karyotype and chromoanagenesis criteria in various settings

Multiple myeloma technical working group

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia working group

Gene list and interpretation working group (includes annotation and interpretation of variants)


The consortium meets 3-4x per year. These meetings serve to highlight specific issues of interest, talks from members, working group reports, and case presentations. The meeting format is largely didactic with some time devoted to questions and discussions.

Membership Form